2005-04-05 19:58:51 人氣(123)
2004年的9月9日 10日兩天 我們短短結識兩天
這個男生只有18歲 便被父母送到英國去讀書
第一次看到他時 他只是對自己什麼都不知道 也不知該怎辦的小痞樣
但獨自到了英國 面對溼冷的天氣 面對冷漠的人情
這將近一年的對談中 我看到他送給我的成果忍不住感動
真是一步一腳印 這件素描已經是很自在自信的作品了
第一次看到他時 他只是對自己什麼都不知道 也不知該怎辦的小痞樣
但獨自到了英國 面對溼冷的天氣 面對冷漠的人情
這將近一年的對談中 我看到他送給我的成果忍不住感動
真是一步一腳印 這件素描已經是很自在自信的作品了
這是他當時轉學時 自我介紹所寫的幾句話
"I am here because I do not want to be a passive sponge.
I am here because I lack professional guidance.
I am here because I am desperate to understand who I am.
I am here because I want to learn art.
I want to be exposed.
If I already possessed the required skills to become an artist, I do not need to be here. But I do not. I want to become aware of what I am looking at everyday.I want to produce 'posters for my soul'."
I am here because I lack professional guidance.
I am here because I am desperate to understand who I am.
I am here because I want to learn art.
I want to be exposed.
If I already possessed the required skills to become an artist, I do not need to be here. But I do not. I want to become aware of what I am looking at everyday.I want to produce 'posters for my soul'."